
Brandon, who attends Hebrew School at his Temple is coming on a regular basis because the learning is so much fun!  Hilde  Hilde M. Alter

My daughter, Rachel was on the verge of becoming a Hebrew School drop-out. The Sunday & Tuesday twice weekly plus Saturdays twice monthly program in 3rd grade was wearing on her badly. We pulled her out of the synagogue program and tried another alternative Sunday morning only program for 4th grade. She hated it, said it was extremely boring and refused to get up in the morning and go. Then, for 5th grade, we found this Country Cheder program at Am Kolel and she has never missed an opportunity to attend. She thrives on the singing, drama, and arts & crafts and is doing very well in the optional Hebrew instruction. And I must say that I am enjoying every aspect of it myself, including learning Hebrew!   Cathy and Rachel Miles

I was looking for an alternative type of Judaic teaching for my children, as I am Jewish and their father is Catholic. I wanted a more hands-on approach with arts and crafts and something fun for them to look forward to rather than just desk work. Mat Tonti is an amazing teacher who related incredibly well to the children and not only keeps their attention, but teaches through creative methods. In County Cheder I have found a wonderful environment for fun learning and a great experience for my children, as well as myself! I recommend it very highly and hope that we have more families join us in the endeavor to bring traditions and values to our children without boredom! Melissa Foster